Contact lenses are medical devices. For that reason, how you maintain them is important. Here are some tips to help you take care of your contact lenses (and your eyes, when you wear your lenses).

Obey replacement frequency.

If you need to replace your lenses every two weeks, do not stretch the frequency to three weeks. The risk is not worth the trouble. Contact lenses are made with different materials for specific uses and are approved for each situation.

Pay attention to soft contact lenses that tear easily.

If your lens is torn, discard. Avoid handling your lenses with your fingernails because they can damage your lenses. Nails are not only sharp, they can also hold all kinds of bacteria.

Never lend your contact lenses.

When you lend your contact lenses, you propagate bacteria from one person to another. You must not forget that your lenses have been specifically prescribed for you, and are adjusted according to your needs.

Use whenever a clean maintenance solution.

Never use tap water to clean your lenses. This water contains pathogens and bacteria that could cause infections.

In the same vein, do not use your saliva to clean your lenses. The mouth is a moist environment proliferates where an amazing variety of bacteria. Although many bacteria contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system, they are not recommended for the eyes.

"Do not stretch" not your maintenance solution.

Never mix two maintenance solutions - one from a new bottle and the other, a bottle already begun - in your lens case. As the active ingredients can degrade over time, this practice could result in serious consequences. This is not worth the trouble, given the little money you will save.

To clean your lenses, rub and rinse.

Rub your lenses with your fingertips in a clean solution for 5 to 20 seconds. Rinse thoroughly using a new amount of own solution. Research has shown that "rub and rinse" is the best way to clean contact lenses, and protect against microorganisms, even with lens care solutions without rubbing.

Do not swim with your lenses.

Remove your lenses before you go swimming. The water can contain bacteria that may be trapped in your lenses, your eyes while being in contact with harmful microorganisms. This problem can occur in freshwater or saltwater - even in a swimming pool or spa. You should know that such a situation could lead to dire consequences up to the loss of vision.

Keep your lens case clean.

Rinse your lens case after each use and leave it open and return to dry. Store in a clean, dry place. The American Optometric Association recommends changing case at least every three months. The same advice applies to Canada.

Do not sleep with contact lenses that are not designed for extended wear.

Contact lenses extended wear use a special technology that allows more oxygen to pass through the lens to reach the cornea. Normally when you are awake and your eyes are open, the oxygen in the air is transmitted through your tears to the cornea, through the lens.

The lenses are not designed to be worn while sleeping can prevent the eye from oxygenate properly. This may cause infections, ulcers and abnormal growth of blood vessels in the cornea.

Always read and follow the instructions of your eye specialist.

Follow the instructions of your eye care professional and those supplied with your lens, your case and your solution. These instructions are part of a carefully crafted plan to help you take care of your lenses and your maintenance solution and thus protect the health of your eyes.


Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice, nor is intended to replace the recommendations of a health professional. For specific questions, consult your eye doctor. 

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